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Warranty policy

DAVINCI Team warrants all products bearing the DAVINCI brand/trademark that are legally sold and distributed in the Vietnamese market. If you need urgent support right now, please contact us immediately below

Table of contents



I. Product warranty period

Smart Air Quality DetectorBasic, Pro, CO212 month
StoveMODEL-A, MODEL-B3 year
IOT agricultural equipment3 year



II. Warranty conditions

Within warranty

  • Product is manufactured by DAVINCI Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Product is a DAVINCI brand product that is legally sold in the Vietnamese market
  • Product is defective due to a technical fault of the manufacturer
  • Product warranty is still valid

Outside the warranty

  • Product is out of warranty
  • Product damaged due to accidents or natural disasters
  • Product invaded by insects and pests
  • Improper operation that leads to equipment damage
  • Using the wrong voltage, replacing batteries or repairing yourself
  • Product is damaged by water

Cases of loss of warranty

  • Customers repair the product at their own discretion within the warranty period
  • Product is repaired by a third party other than DAVINCI Team
  • Unauthorized removal or attachment of accessories or external features that have not been provided or authorized by DAVINCI Team



III. Repair/replacement of defective product

For cases where products with warranty defects, please send the product to the warranty address of DAVINCI Technology Co., Ltd. Before sending the product, please contact the team so that the company can advise you according to the condition of the product and the quickest solution.

Product warranty information



I. Out-of-warranty repair

For cases where products that have expired warranty but unfortunately encounter damage, DAVINCI Team has a repair cost support service for users as follows:

ConditionLevel of support
3 months after warranty expires30% replacement cost
6 months after warranty expires20% replacement cost
1 year after warranty expires10% replacement cost



II. Trade-in

For customers who have purchased and are using DAVINCI products, when the company announces the launch of a new version of the product you are using, you can choose to TRADE-IN with a 50% discount.

  • Register your information to receive notifications of the latest products Register



III. Register for a trial

7-day trial program

For DAVINCI's Premium Induction Cooktop products, both MODEL-A and MODEL-B, we are offering a 7-day FREE trial service for customers living and working in Hanoi.

The cost of transportation, installation, and trial is all covered by the DAVINCI Team. After the trial period ends, if you like our product, you can register to buy it with a 5% discount. In the event that the trial period ends and you are not satisfied with the product, the DAVINCI Team will remove and return the product.


DAVINCI Technology Co., Ltd. Thank you!

Copyright ©2016-2023 DAVINCI All Rights Reserved

DAVINCI Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: Floor 9, 97-99 Lang Ha Building, Dong Da District, Hanoi

Phone number: +84-989286578

Email: tri@davincix.vn
